Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday Fun

We got the 4 wheelers out for the girls this week and yesterday they rode them around and around and around. It was fun to watch the girls having fun and giggling and laughing Addison thought it was hilarious that is jiggled her bum and was gut laughing the whole time it was so funny that TJ and i were laughing and proceeded to have Tucker laughing. Tucker was so mad that he could not get on the wheeler's with K'Lee or Addison maybe next year. K'Lee has a gas 4 wheeler and has gotten very good, at starting and stopping with the break and gas on the handle and not gunning it and almost falling off.. She wants to take it camping and ride on the trails with her dad, yikes TJ said maybe if she keeps practicing, so now she wants to practice everyday.

1 comment:

Michelle W. Nate said...

It is so fun to get and enjoy nicer weather....just wish it would stay for a little longer. We are ready for camping and some wheelin'! Isn't it funny how the little ones seem to have no fear on those things? I bet they had a blast!