Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Note

K'Lee came home from school the other day and came over to me and said "mom what does it mean if you get a note from school." I looked at her and replied " what kind of note", she smiled and goes from a boy" I said "what do you mean a boy from school" I thinking you are to young to get a note from a boy and awwww how cute is that. She was very fast to reply he was just being nice to me, I was well I am glad he is being nice what does the note say. I took a picture so you can see for yourself and that I can keep her first note from a boy. She is going to kill me when she grows up and sees this. But come on awwww how cute is that she got a not from a boy.


~Our Family~ said...

Well I'm sorry Amy we didn't really think that he was going to give it to her.. The other day he kept coming in and asking how do you spell love and a few mins later he came in asking how do you spell Klee so we told him.. His dad asked what he was doing and he said I'm writing a love letter to Klee.. We didn't think nothing of it but when he went to school the day he gave it to her. I put his books in there and seen the note around a necklace and thought i should take that out but I didn't.. I really didn't think that he would give it to her... Geez how embrassing... But kinda cute for 6 years old... Thanks for posting about it... I'll have to show him his letter on the computer he will laugh...

Burbank Family said...

Don't worry about it I thought it was cute that he would do that for K'Lee she was so cute about the whole thing.