Friday, September 26, 2008

quick thought

I have been doing a lot of cleaning and catching up in my life. As I have been doing this I have had many weird thoughts and ideas popping into my head. Poor TJ has listened to these and just responds to them to make me happy. But I wanted to share this one I was washing down the walls in the girls playroom and I thought this:
Five things you need as a mom.
Mr. Clean magic eraser (writing on the wall)
ear plugs (so you keep you sanity when there is a running game being played that involves lots of screaming
play dough (you just can't think of anything else to entertain them with)
hiding place ( you place to keep your sanity mine the bath tub yes I hide in there for a few minutes)
grass ( the smell just calms you and kids love grass fights gives them the giggles)
I know they are weird but I have reasons for all of them.

1 comment:

~Our Family~ said...

Amy, I totally agree with you, no one else would get it except for us moms.. We are with our kids day in and day out and I tell you sometimes I do lose my sanity(all the time).. I love keeping up on your blog. I hope you don't mind me lurking... Anyway you can check mine out if you want. I'm going to change mine to private so if you want to be able to see it in the next little while leave me your email on my blog. I moderate my comments for now so no one else will see it except for me.. Thanks..