Saturday, September 15, 2007


BUSY need I say more. Preschool, Dance, Busy. We celebrated K'Lee 4th Birthday. She had a Princess Cake, and lots of family over for the event. She was very excited the whole day about opening presents and eating cake and ice cream. K'Lee has also started preschool she is having fun learning and playing with a whole bunch of new kids as she puts it. I have not learned any names yet so we will see.

Addison was entered into the Baby Contest no winnings but lots of fun. She liked the stuff on the stage. She has received 4 teeth in 4 days. And has a Sinus Infection to top it off. So we have had a rough couple of weeks. She has decided that climbing is more fun then to stay on the ground I have found her on the kitchen table, my bed and the couches with a little help from K'Lee on the couches I have not decided if this is a good thing or bad I will get back to you on that.

As for the family we are just having fun and enjoying the cool weather. TJ is liking his new job in Preston and being busy. I have been trying to keep up with the kids and TJ. We have been going to Jamie's volleyball games and having fun watching her. She is a good little player. We are also counting the days until Stacy and Nicole and family comes home from Alaska we are so excited to see how much Olivia has grown and play with aunt Stacy. I will promise to much better with our blog and keep everyone updated with our fun Burbank life.

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