Thursday, September 3, 2009

TwO MoNThs

Tucker just turned two months today. He weighs 11 pounds and is 22 inches long.He also received a patch for his eye due to a scratch on his cornea fun. It looks worse than it really is the only bad thing is I have to put some ointment on his eye four times a day.

Big Smiles

Poor Baby


Tosha said...

He is so adorable! I love the big smile, but who can resist that pouty lip.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he doesn't have to wear the eye patch too long! Hope all goes well with his eye healing!

kaTie said...

owie. poor little guy. good luck this weekend!

Ace said...

You guys make some good lookin' kids!

Michelle W. Nate said...

Oh, Poor kid.