I know I am slacking on the blog. I feel really bad we have been doing lots of fun things and it's all captured on the camera still sitting there. I have been very busy with a couple of projects. The first is I am the activites person for the ward and we have a July 24th celebration so I have been getting that ready. rabbit, chickens, pigs, goats, games, races, breakfast and dinner, FUN I know. I don't stop there I was called to be the Girls Camp Director with 4 weeks before camp YES 4 weeks. So back on the phone and computer to get a camp ready I am so excited for both and very scared my dreams have become very intersting with what could go wrong and what could go very very bad I keep telling TJ all this and he just says you are going to be fine. Great support that man of mine. Thanks for putting up with stuff for both everywhere. I will post pictures soon I promise. Stephanie if you are reading this soon the camp director I am blaming you. Ha Ha